About Us

Message -Director of Showa University East Hospital -

病院長稲垣克記Katsunori Inagaki, M.D., Ph.D.
Director of Showa University East Hospital
A university hospital generally has three distinct missions: the treatment of patients, medical research, and education of its students.
Showa University East Hospital is no exception: we have our own mandate and principles to contribute to the advancement of clinical medicine and the development of medical practitioners while providing optimal care to individual patients, in order to fulfil our missions; the same is true for Showa University Hospital.
Therefore, I would like to make sure that our two hospitals work together in a well-coordinated manner, as reputable providers of high-quality acute-phase medical care.

Since our fiscal year 2017, we have greatly improved the equipment being used in the operation rooms and also built a new rehabilitation room at East Hospital, marking another step in our continuous evolution to become a new type of acute-phase healthcare facility.
In addition to our existing clinical departments of ophthalmology, neurology, rheumatology and clinical immunology, neuropsychiatry, and anesthesiology (pain clinic), we have started offering orthopedic examination and surgery, and acute-phase rehabilitation at East Hospital.
With a view to transforming our institution into an innovative hospital that operates in a flexible and agile manner, various departments within our organization will be conducting wide-ranging feasibility studies so that we can start offering various new services at East Hospital and establish ourselves as an essential healthcare center.
In terms of medical safety, we plan on collaborating and coordinating with Showa University Hospital which has a long-standing tradition and system of providing safe and secure medical care, so that we can inherit and improve them further at East Hospital in our own way.
In addition, our hospital has a deep-rooted culture of compassion, valuing and respecting our patients’ will. We will keep upholding and practicing this culture as our most important quality.
Our entire staff are committed to the importance of communicating effectively, empathizing with our patients, respecting their will, and learning from them constantly.
As Hospital Director, I will make sure that our hospital meets the expectations of its patients and other stakeholders while inspiring confidence, mainly through team-based medical care, while always adhering to the principle of Shisei Ikkan set by the founder of our university, which means “contributing to society with absolute sincerity and dedication.”
I greatly appreciate the support and cooperation of all those involved in our hospital.

General information about the hospital

The official name and location of this hospital are as follows:
NameShowa University East Hospital
Location2-14-19 Nishinakanobu, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-0054, Japan
Phone number+81-3-3784-8000 (main)
DirectorKatsunori Inagaki
FoundationApril 1999
Approved bed capacity199
Departments and specialtiesRheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Orthopedic Surgery, Ophthalmology, Anesthesiology (Pain Clinic)
Special facilitiesSleep Medicine Center, Respiratory Care Center
Number of full-time employees304 (as of May 1, 2019)
Doctors: 75          Nurses: 173
Average number of patients received a dayOutpatients: 510.0
Inpatients: 158.8 (in business year 2019)
Average number of days in hospital stay9.3 days (in business year 2019)
Average bed occupancy rate79.8% (in business year 2019)
Number of surgeries performed3,482 (in business year 2019)

Floor Guide


Floor Guide
6th floorSpecial inpatient ward
5th floor5th floor inpatient ward
4th floor4th floor inpatient ward
3rd floor3rd floor inpatient ward
2nd floor
Outpatient clinics (Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Pain Clinic)
Clinical laboratory
Radiological examinations
2nd floor inpatient ward
Multiple-purpose (accessible) bathroom
Outpatient chemotherapy
1st floor
Outpatient clinics (Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Surgery)
Sleep Medicine Center
Rehabilitation room
General Information
New Patient Registration
Outpatient payment
Hospitalization Center
Nighttime and emergency care reception
Shop (Lawson)
1st basement floorOperation rooms
2nd basement floorParking

Outpatient floor map

Outpatient floor map
Outpatient floor map (SP)