
Showa University Fujigaoka Rehabilitation Hospital
2-1-1 Fujigaoka Aoba-ku Yokohama city Kanagawa
227-8518 Japan

Traveling by public transportation

Travel routes from major railway stations

3 minutes’ walk from Fujigaoka Station.
Travel routes from major railway stations
Note: ”Kyuko” (express) trains do not stop at Fujigaoka Station.

From JR Shin Yokohama Station: Take the municipal subway to Azamino Station, and change to the Tokyu Denentoshi Line (the travel time is approx. 22 minutes).
From JR Nagatsuta Station: Take a local train (that stops at all the stations) on the Tokyu Denentoshi Line (the travel time is approx. 8 minutes).
From JR Shibuya Station: Take the Tokyu Denentoshi Line (the travel time is approx. 35 minutes).

Walking route from the nearby station